Society Registration With Firm Registration
- For like minded members
- For social welfare
- Simple and Secure Online Process
- Dedicated Professional
- Get Registration in 5-7 Days
- Get Post Incorporation Assistance
Tax and Services is a dedicated firm offering comprehensive Society Registration Services, catering to organizations and groups seeking legal recognition and structure for their social initiatives. Our team of experts specializes in guiding clients through the intricacies of society registration, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Advantages of Society Registration
Legal Recognition
Society registration provides legal recognition to the organization, establishing it as a separate legal entity distinct from its members. This recognition enhances the credibility and legitimacy of the society.
Perpetual Existence
A registered society enjoys perpetual existence, independent of changes in its membership. This ensures the continuity of its mission and objectives over time.
Limited Liability
Members of a registered society typically have limited liability. This means that the personal assets of individual members are protected in case of legal actions or financial liabilities incurred by the society.
Tax Exemptions
Registered societies may be eligible for tax exemptions on income generated from their charitable or social activities. This can help the organization allocate more resources to its social initiatives
Government Funding and Grants
Many government programs and agencies provide funding and grants exclusively to registered societies engaged in activities that align with public welfare, education, healthcare, and other social causes.
Enhanced Credibility
Society registration enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of the organization in the eyes of donors, supporters, and the public. It signals a commitment to transparency and accountability.
Minimum Requirements
- Minimum requirement of members for society registration is 7 members.
- Aadhaar card of the member should be linked with mobile no.
- An objective of social welfare.
Documents Required for Society Registration
PAN Card
of all member proposed for registration of society
Aadhar card
of all member proposed for registration of society
List of all members
forming society
Covering letter
containing objective behind formation of society
Address proof Owned
Registry Copy and Electricity Bill
Address Proof Rented
Rent Agreement and Electricity Bill
Process of Registration of Society
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Purpose of Society Registration
- Promotion of fine arts
- Diffusion of political education
- Grant of charitable assistance
- Promotion of science and literature
- Creation of military orphan funds
- Maintenance or foundation of galleries or public museum
- Maintenance or foundation of reading rooms or libraries
- Promotion or diffusion or instruction of useful knowledge